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EFPM: New partner of ISO!

We are very happy to announce the partnership with the European Fair Play Movement.

Aim of the partnership is to start a cooperation in order to deploy Fair Play events and actions under both ISO and EFPM.

After 5 years of annual meetings with ideas exchanged about the campaigns promoted in their countries and hawing recognised the importance of having a European Body on working Fair Play, representatives from 14 countries decided to create the European Fair Play Movement (EFPM) in a Founding Assembly held at FIFA House, in Switzerland, on May 27/28, 1994.

The EFPM is a non-governmental association. Since July 2013, the headquarters of the EFPM has been located at the offices of ASKÖ (Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Sport und Körperkultur in Österreich). The EFPM is run by the Executive Committee composed of nine members chosen by the General Asembly from amongst its members and appointed for a term of four years from te Games of the Olympiad.

The General Asembly is held once a year.

The main aim of the European Fair Play Movement is to promote Fair Play and Tolerance in the broadest sense (in sports and everyday life) at European level.

The EFPM seeks to achieve this goal by supporting its members, by helping to promate Fair Playcampaigns where sports organisations take the initiative, by cooperating with the authorities to foster Fair Play themes and by faciliating regular contacts between the warious European sports organisations.

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