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International Sport Organization
Service for sports
International Sport Organization (ISO) is a no profit organization composed by individual member based in Switzerland aiming to develop sports, education programs and certifications, Mind Motivator courses, Bionatural disciplines, Fitness and Fit Active educator courses. We are the official European branch of the World Sports University. We are also involving in the environmental protection using sports and creating ad hoc figures.

Our aims
The aims of the organization are:
CONSULTING: To help manage organization giving assistance (Management, consultancy, insurance, general services, administrations and consultancy to reach national and international recognition)
BIONATURAL REGISTRY: to Keep update and maintained the Bionatural International Registry and to organize training around the world for bionatural disciplines
COACH CERTIFICATIONS: to certify coaches and develop high value training courses in sport fields
SPORT FOR ALL: To develop sport for all, wellness and physical activity globally
World Sports University
The World Sports University (WSU) is a high education institute legally registered in Macau and established under the GAAPSF. The WSU had signed cooperative agreements with various universities, including: QILU University of Technology (Shandong Academy of Sciences), IJF Academy, etc. The WSU offers short term courses and degree courses with the cooperation from QILU University. We also provide online distance-learning courses for students especially for athletes in China and all over the World. The head quarters and secretary office of the WSU are located in 3501 University Road, Changqing District, Jinan City, Shandong Province.

International Sport Network Organization
The World Sports University (WSU) is a high education institute legally registered in Macau and established under the GAAPSF. The WSU had signed cooperative agreements with various universities, including: QILU University of Technology (Shandong Academy of Sciences), IJF Academy, etc. The WSU offers short term courses and degree courses with the cooperation from QILU University. We also provide online distance-learning courses for students especially for athletes in China and all over the World. The head quarters and secretary office of the WSU are located in 3501 University Road, Changqing District, Jinan City, Shandong Province.

International Olympic Truce Centre
The International Olympic Truce Centre was established in July 2000 as a joint initiative of Greece and the International Olympic Committee, turning the commitment of the Olympic Movement to promote the principle of Peace into concrete action. The initiative first took form in 1998, with a proposal from the Greek Government to the members of the International Olympic Committee for the institutional revival of Olympic Truce in the new millennium. In December 1999, in a historic decision taken in cooperation with Greece, the International Olympic Committee announced the establishment of the International Olympic Truce Centre. The commitment to the Olympic Truce gained further impetus with the promotion of the concept worldwide through the torch relay that took place prior to the Athens 2004 Olympic Games.

Sport and Sustainability International
Sport and Sustainability International (SandSI) is a non-for-profit Swiss association with headquarters based in Lausanne. Founded in 2017, SandSI seeks to accelerate sustainability in and through sport, aligning its activities with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). A global membership organisation, SandSI’s current membership is comprised of sport and non-sport entities as well as individuals representing 40+ countries, across all continents.

Surf Riders Foundation Europe
Surfrider Foundation Europe is a non-profit organisation whose purpose is to protect and showcase the importance of lakes, rivers, the ocean, waves, and coastlines. It currently has over 13,000 members and is active across 9 countries through its volunteer-run branches.
For almost 30 years, Surfrider Foundation Europe has been taking action as a recognized authority in three areas of expertise: marine litter, water quality and public health, coastal management and climate change.

International Fair Play Committee
Since its foundation by UNESCO and a number of international sports governing bodies in Paris in 1963 the goal of the International Committee Fair Play Committee is the worldwide defence and promotion of fair play. The activity of CIFP is aimed at national and international organisations in the field of sports and education, and professional athletes with a special emphasis on children, adolescents and those in charge of training them, namely coaches and trainers. The CIFP has an important educational role to play in supporting fair play, promoting a better understanding of fair play values and preventing adverse behaviour. In cooperation with various national governing bodies such as ministries, Olympic committees, sports federations, media and sports press associations the CIFP encourages and welcomes the establishment of national fair play committees. In order to honour and direct attention to acts of fair play performed either within or outside the sports world, the International Fair Play Committee annually awards Fair Play Prizes to personalities who have proved to be excellent ambassadors of fair play.

European Fair Play Movement
After 5 years of annual meetings with ideas exchanged about the campaigns promoted in their countries and hawing recognised the importance of having a European Body on working Fair Play, representatives from 14 countries decided to create the European Fair Play Movement (EFPM) in a Founding Assembly held at FIFA House, in Switzerland, on May 27/28, 1994.
The EFPM is a non-governmental association. Since July 2013, the headquarters of the EFPM has been located at the offices of ASKÖ (Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Sport und Körperkultur in Österreich). The EFPM is run by the Executive Committee composed of nine members chosen by the General Asembly from amongst its members and appointed for a term of four years from te Games of the Olympiad. The General Asembly is held once a year.
The main aim of the European Fair Play Movement is to promote Fair Play and Tolerance in the broadest sense (in sports and everyday life) at European level.
The EFPM seeks to achieve this goal by supporting its members, by helping to promate Fair Playcampaigns where sports organisations take the initiative, by cooperating with the authorities to foster Fair Play themes and by faciliating regular contacts between the warious European sports organisations.
“One man can be a crucial ingredient on a team, but one man cannot make a team. ”